Visit of President Tsai to demonstrate NaoTrac, the stereotactic navigation robot

Visit of President Tsai to demonstrate NaoTrac, the stereotactic navigation robot

Big welcome to the visit of the President Tsai!!
We are really appreciated the President’s support to the Biotechnology Industry, especially for the innovation of the Biotech.
After the visit, everyone has a talk together. MOST( Ministry of Science and Technology), Ministry of Economics Affairs, Ministry of Health and Welfare, committee and ITRI ( Industrial Technology Research Institute) from Taiwan are all very supportive to the startup company strategy. The problem is to solve the conflict within the current standard and help the growth of the startup companies. ” The selected 8 companies are all the best selected by the MOST. After the help of President Tsai, we can have a really brilliant innovation toward worldwide. ” the saying from Director Lee from ITRI Biotech. Dept.

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